Thanks, Jay Lake!
August 14, 2007 - Tonight I ran over to Powell's Books of Beaverton to listen to Jay Lake talk about his book, Mainspring.
Made it through the week!!! -- barely
The presentation turned out GREAT!! The team seemed to really enjoy it despite the boring topic. I used some pictures to illustrate why what we are currently doing is bad and why what we are moving to is good. I also gave away some gift cards during some pop quizzes I worked in.
Sticky Presentations
August 2, 2007 - As my alter-ego is developing some training slides on what is probably the most boring topic of many other boring topics that will be covered during a two day event, my spidey-sense began to get all warm and fuzzy when I saw the post.
And speaking of... Web 2.0... The Machine is Us/ing Us
August 1, 2007 - We need to think about how "the machine (we/us)" digests information and the new ways information is made available to us. Thankfully, the basics -- form and content -- will always be relevant.
Typographics Video
August 1, 2007 - Watching this reminded me about (and strengthened my appreciation for) the form behind the words we set down on paper/screen.
Three Excellent Animation Shorts
August 1, 2007 - Sigh... so much to experience. So little time.