Random process...

Published on the original Storyteller’s Keep Blog on July 30, 2007

I've given a fair amount of thought to how I work lately.  I often liken the process of writing to the wooden child's toy that has cylindrical shapes that you hammer through similarly shaped openings.  Sometimes its like pounding the blue, square-shaped tube through the small circular opening -- not happening.  Other times its like pounding the yellow triangle through the square opening -- it works, but it is a little difficult.  And, of course, I love the times when I grab the red star and happen to get it through the star shaped opening on the first try. <grin>   

My first novel started off with character studies and a lot of "hard" thinking about the worlds they lived in.  I had a very clear picture of the characters in my mind before I started thinking about plot.  As I moved through the process, I seemed to shift my working style as the moment compelled.  An attempt to outline here, a regurgitation of nonsense there, writing longhand on paper, back to the computer, etc.  It was painful, but the results in the end were worth it. 

The novel I'm working on now has been a bit different for me.  Instead of starting with the characters, I drew a map.  The map has become my outline.  Plot elements that tie into the map are next with character development taking a back seat, almost.  How different each project can be.   I'm excited to see how this one unfolds.


Liz Ness said:

Okay, so I know I already posted a comment, but I gotta say: COOL DRAWING SIS!

Liz Ness said:

It is interesting how our approach can vary from project to project; how our passions mutate, too! It's interesting to step back and look at it now and then and wonder....hmmm.


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