Storytellers Keep - The First Post
Published on the original Storytellers Keep Blog on 07/29/2007
Hello! This is the first post of our first attempt at blogging. I created this blog to help me (and via osmosis, hopefully some of you) with my writing and other creative adventures. I'd like this blog to be a collection of observations, musings, and helpful hints as I progress down the laborious, yet fulfilling, path that drives us creative types. Marvin, cat and co-master of the house, is on hand in a supervisory capacity to help me herald in the occasion. (whispering) These things must be properly done, you know.
So, welcome and enjoy (and bear with me the next couple of days as I get this up and running).
Liz Ness said:
Yeah Kathy and Marvin...welcome to the blogosphere! Can't wait to see how this goes for you!